ETC. na selección oficial no 27th Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur

ETC. na selección oficial fóra de competición no prestixioso Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur. É unha gran honra estar incluído no festival de curtametraxes mais importante de Suíza e un dos máis significativos de toda Europa, festival co prestixioso estatus de clasificatorio para os Oscars, os BAFTA e os Premios do Cine Europeo, o que subliña a importancia deste evento e o recoñecemento do noso traballo. ETC. proxectarase o 12 de novembro no blue Cinema Maxx de Winterthur.


ETC. na selección oficial no 15th Santa Fe International Film Festival

ETC. na selección oficial nun dos festivais máis importantes dentro do circuíto de cine independente dos Estados Unidos, o Santa Fe International Film Festival (anteriormente chamado Santa Fe Independent Film Festival). Este aclamado festival estase a converter nun referente, ata tal punto que grandes revistas como IndieWire xa o alcumaron "un novo Sundance". O festival celebrarase do 18 ao 22 de outubro en Santa Fe, Nuevo México. 


ETC. na selección oficial no 21st Fantoche International Festival for Animation Film

ETC. está seleccionado no prestixioso Fantoche International Festival for Animation Film, un dos festivais de animación máis destacados do mundo. Segundo a organización 61 curtametraxes foron seleccionados dun total de 2.703 inscritos. ETC competirá polo premio do xurado e o premio do público na sección Kids Film Competition. O festival desenvolverase do 5 ao 10 de setembro na ciudade suiza de Baden.


"ETC." na selección oficial no 16th Chesapeake Film Festival

 ETC. na selección oficial no 16th Chesapeake Film Festival en Easton, Maryland. Chesapeake Film Festival está formado por unha excelente organización de profesionais da industria cinematográfica. ETC. forma parte do pequeno grupo de obras escollidas para as proxeccións en Easton. O festival terá lugar nun dos teatros máis antigos de América, o Avalon Theatre, o 30 de setembro e tamén o 1 de outubro no Ebenezer Theatre.


"ETC." no Berrie Center for the Arts en Ramapo College

Próxima proxección de ETC. dentro da xira do Thomas Edison Film Festival, o 28 de abril en Berrie Center for the Arts en Ramapo College en New Jersey.


"ETC."  finalista no Il Giro del Mondo in 80 Corti

ETC. gaña o voto do público na primeira das series de proxeccións de Il Giro del Mondo in 80 Corti organizada por Amarcort e a Cineteca di Rimini. Deste xeito ETC. é elixido como un dos oito finalistas deste evento italiano. Il Giro del Mondo in 80 Corti é unha competición internacional que se desenvolve durante todo o ano, oito sesións na Cineteca di Rimini para que o público elixa oito finalistas. A final terá lugar a finais de ano. Festival.


"ETC."  no Lewis Center for the Arts na Universidade de Princeton

ETC. proxectarase o 23 de marzo dentro do programa do Lewis Center for the Arts na prestixiosa Universidade de Princeton dentro da selección de traballos premiados no 42nd Thomas Edison Film Festival.


"ETC." na seleccion oficial do 11th Annapolis Film Festival 

ETC. na seleccion oficial do 11th Annapolis Film Festival. Este festival da capital de Maryland estase a coñecer por contar cunha das programacións máis atractivas do cinema independente nos Estados Unidos, en pouco tempo estase a converter en todo un referente dentro do circuíto americano. ETC. proxectarase os días 25 e 26 de marzo.


"ETC." gaña o Jury's Choice Award no 42nd Thomas Edison Film Festival  

ETC. premiado polo xurado no prestixioso Thomas Edison Film Festival en New Jersey. Este festival rebautizado no seu 40 aniversario (antes Thomas Edison Black Maria Film Festival en homenaxe ao primeiro estudo cinematográfico estadounidense creado polo famoso inventor) é un festival coñecido pola súa longa xira de proxeccións que organiza por todo o país, os traballos veranse en lugares tan emblemáticos como o National Gallery of Art, Lewis Center for the Arts–Princeton, Teatro Dryden, Roxie Theatre ou en numerosas universidades como Syracuse, UDelaware, UC Santa Barbara, UArts, etc.


"ETC." e un dos finalistas do XV Amarcort Film Festival en Italia - 2022  

"ETC." é un finalista do XV Amarcort Film Festival en Italia. Amarcort é un festival moi especial posto que xurdiu como homenaxe ao gran Fellini na súa cidade natal, Rímini. "ETC." opta ao premio "Gironzalon", que se outorga á mellor curtametraxe experimental. O festival celebrarase do 22 ao 27 de novembro.


"ETC." seleccionado no 12th Lake County Film Festival - 2022  

"ETC." seleccionado no 12th Lake County Film Festival. Situado na área metropolitana de Chicago, este festival do condado de Lake atrae a unha gran audiencia dunha comunidade desatendida no campo do cine independente. "ETC." proxectarase o domingo 6 de novembro e o sábado 12 de novembro. Unha parte dos títulos tamén se proxectará no The Gorton Center de Lake Forest.


"ETC." está seleccionado no 16 HollyShorts Monthly Screenings Series Festival 2022/2023  

HollyShorts Film Festival seleccionou a curtametraxe "ETC." para formar parte das proxeccións mensuais de HollyShorts. "ETC." proxectarase nos famosos teatros TCL Chinese 6 de Hollywood. HollyShorts Monthly Screening Series é unha mostra mensual das mellores curtametraxes e longametraxes de todo o mundo en Los Angeles e New York.


"ETC." na lista finalista para evento especial en el 38 Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes de Berlín - Interfilm - 2022  

"ETC." na lista de finalistas para o evento especial Sound & Vision, no que diferentes grupos musicais compoñen e interpretan novas bandas sonoras de curtametraxes recentes, en directo ante o público do festival o 19 de novembro no fermoso teatro Volksbühne.


Estrea mundial de "ETC." no 44º Festival Internacional de Cine de Moscú - 2022

"ETC." Selección Oficial Fóra de Competición do prestixioso Festival Internacional de Cine de Moscova - 2022. (MIFF) é un dos cinefórums máis antigos do mundo (só superado polo Festival de Cine de Venecia). O Festival Internacional de Cine de Moscú leva a súa historia desde 1935 (O presidente do xurado foi Sergey Eisenstein, e a película Chapaev abriu o primeiro festival). MIFF é un dos poucos festivais denominados clase A acreditados pola Federación Internacional de Asociacións de Produtores de Cine (FIAPF). Proxectarase o 29 de agosto e o 2 de setembro.


SEMIFINALISTA - 39 Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival-EEUU

"ETC." foi incluído como un dos semifinalistas deste ano no 39 Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival. A nosa curtametraxe foi moi valorada polos xuíces deste prestixioso festival, polo que será considerada para futuras iniciativas de programación de RIIFF no 2022. O festival resaltou a dificultade do proceso con máis de 6.500 inscricións presentadas para a súa consideración. O Festival Internacional de Cine de Rhode Island está considerado un dos mellores festivais internacionais de cine e os 10 mellores festivais de curtametraxes dos Estados Unidos. RIIFF é recoñecido pola Academia das Artes e as Ciencias Cinematográficas como un Festival calificador de Oscar en todas as categorías de curtametraxes.


Fatum! in Art Week Dubai 2015

Fatum! in Art Week Dubai 2015, in collaboration with Outbox International Film Festival and Cinema Akil. Program 2: Construction / Space for Power 17 + 21 March (13:00-15:00 & 19:00-21:00) & 22 March (15:00-17:00) Cinema Akil Outbox Short Film Festival presents 'Space Under Construction,' a 6 day short film festival showcasing films from around the world to a broad audience in Dubai during the Art Week, the umbrella initiative that includes Art Dubai, Design Days Dubai, and Sikka, showcases the broad programme of cultural events taking place across the UAE and beyond in March 2015. The festival will reflect on the ideas of building, construction, reassessment, consideration, intervention, transformation and change.!schedule/cdt4


"The Bloodsucking Witch" - Galician Animation Cinema within the programming of the 37th edition of the CINANIMA Festival in Espinho, Portugal

November 14, 2013, a retrospective of the Galician Animation Cinema within the programming of the 37th edition of the CINANIMA Festival in Espinho, Portugal. The program, a selection of 15 animation works, including our short "A Meiga Chuchona", will be screened at the Centro Multimeios de Espinho. 14:00 | Retrospective of Galician Animation Cinema (Tempus Room) 15:30 | Lecture: "Animation Cinema in Galicia", Severiano Casalderrey 14:00 | Retrospetiva do Cinema de Animação da Galiza (Sala Tempus) 15:30 | Conferência: “O Cinema de Animação na Galiza”, Severiano Casalderrey (Sala Polivalente)


Fatum! Art Week Dubai 2013

Fatum! in Art Week Dubai 2013 in collaboration with Outbox International Film Festival and Cinema Akil. "Fatum!" Screening in Dubai in The Jamjar Gallery. In collaboration with Outbox International Film Festival and Cinephilia Productions, The Jamjar Gallery brings a selection of 10 contemporary experimental short films between 14 March - 23 March 2013. Screening Information 14 - 23 March 2013 10am - 8pm Mon - Thu & Sat, 2pm - 8pm Fri Sun Closed thejamjar , Al Quoz, Dubai, UAE Free admission Presented is a looped screening of 10 selected short films from around the world that morph reality into unseen spaces, timeless emotions, amazing encounters, and self-realisations. The filmmakers’ efforts reflect on experimentation through stop-motion, animation and collaging, bringing together a tapestry of visual qualities.


"The Breakfast" Official Selection at 22nd Euroshorts 2013, Poland

"The Breakfast" Official Selection at 22. Europejski Festiwal Filmowy Euroshorts 2013 in Gdańsk, Poland. The Festival takes place between November 25th to December 1st. Showtime: Friday 28th November - 15:30H, Kinoport (Klub LOFT) - ul. Strajku Dokerów 5, Gdańsk.


"The Breakfast" wins Gold Remi Award

The Breakfast" wins Gold Remi Award Drama category at the 46th Worldfest Houston 2013

"The Breakfast" - Regional Touring of Asiana International Short Film Festival

Tour 2013 organized by AISFF, in South Korea "The Breakfast" has been selected to take part of Regional Touring of Asiana International Short Film Festival. The regional touring took place between June to August in local area and Seoul. A total of 19 films from the 10th Edition of the festival encountered with regional audience in 6 cities (Seoul, Incheon, Cheongju, Iksan, Daegu and Cheonan).


"The Breakfast" - Official Selection at Asiana International Short Film Festival

"The Breakfast" Official Selection 10th Asiana International Short Film Festival, Seoul. The short film "The Breakfast" directed by Pablo Millán and starring Jorge Sieiro, has been selected in the Asiana International Short Film Festival in South Korea, The Breakfast is one of the 55 finalists.


Screening 39th Athens International Film Festival

Short Film "The Breakfast" - Screening 39th Athens International Film Festival - USA. *Wednesday April 18th > 19.45H - Athena Cinema. The short film directed by Pablo Millan and featured by Jorge Sieiro will be screened before the canadian movie "Like A Tree In Which There Are Three Blackbirds" directed by Uwe Rafael Braun.


"The Breakfast" - The Black Maria Festival Tour Tour Screenings on April: -Monday, April 2nd, 7:00pm THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF ROMA - Rome, Italy -Wednesday, April 4th,7:00pm UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - FOND DU LAC, Prairie Theater - Fond Du Lac, WI -Tuesday, April 10th, 7:00pm SOUTH ORANGE PUBLIC LIBRARY - South Orange, NJ -Wednesday, April 11th, 7:00pm BENTLEY COLLEGE, Wilder Pavillion, Adamian Academic Center - Waltham, MA -Friday, April 13th, 7:00pm THE ALABAMA FILMMAKERS CO-OP, Flying Monkey Arts Center - Huntsville, AL -Saturday, April 14th, 3:00pm THE CAPRI THEATRE - Montgomery, AL -Tuesday, April 17th, 7:00pm COLGATE UNIVERSITY - Hamilton, NY -Friday, April 20th, 8:00pm THE THOMAS MEIGHAN PROJECT, Richey Suncoast Theatre - New Port Richey, FL -Wednesday, April 25th, 7:30pm COUNTY THEATER - Doylestown, PA -Thursday, April 26th, 7:30pm AMBLER THEATER - Ambler, PA -Saturday, April 28th, 3:00pm HUDSON CATHOLIC REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL - Jersey City, NJ -Saturday, April 28th, 3:00pm NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY - New York, NY


The Breakfast" Official Selection 39th Athens Film Festival.

"The Breakfast" Official Selection 39th Athens Film Festival. The short film "The Breakfast" directed by Pablo Millan has been selected for the prestigious 39th Athens International Film + Video Festival Ohio, USA. This event celebrates avant-garde, independent and alternative cinema. The festival is recognized by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as a Qualifying Festival.


"The Breakfast The Black Maria Festival Tour 2012 - March

The Black Maria Festival Tour 2012 Tour Screenings on March: -Friday, March 2, 7:30 PM LASCAUX MICRO THEATER; Buckhannon, WV -Friday, March 2, 8:00 PM SAVANNAH COLLEGE OF ART & DESIGN The Trustees Theater; Savannah, GA -Saturday, March 3, 7:30 PM PITTSBURGH FILMMAKERS; Pittsburgh, PA -Monday, March 5, 8:00 PM UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO/ NAROPA UNIVERSITY ATLAS building on the CU campus; Boulder, CO -Tuesday, March 6, 7:00 PM UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE- ART DEPARTMENT Newark, DE -Friday, March 9, 6:30 PM DES MOINES ART CENTER; Des Moines, IA -Friday, March 9, 7:30PM LASCAUX MICRO THEATER; Buckhannon, WV -Saturday, March 10, 1:00PM DES MOINES ART CENTER; Des Moines, IA -Monday, March 12, 7:00PM RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL OF DESIGN RISD Auditorium; Providence, RI -Tuesday, March 13, 7:30PM BENNINGTON COLLEGE; Tishman Lecture Hall Bennington, VT -Wednesday, March 14, 7:00PM SCHNITZER CINEMA/JORDAN SCHNITZER MUSEUM OF ART UNIVERSITY OF OREGON; Eugene, OR -Friday, March 16, 6:30 VIRGINIA MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS The Leslie Cheek Theater; Richmond, VA -Friday, March 16, 7:30PM LASCAUX MICRO THEATER; Buckhannon, WV -Friday, March 23, 7:30PM LASCAUX MICRO THEATER; Buckhannon, WV -Saturday, March 24, 4:30PM CALDWELL MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION; Caldwell, NJ -Monday, March 26, 7:30PM MONMOUTH UNIVERSITY Pollak Theatre; West Long Branch, NJ -Friday, March 30, 7:30PM LASCAUX MICRO THEATER; Buckhannon, WV -Friday, March 30, 7:30PM EDISON & FORD WINTER ESTATES; Fort Myers, FL -Saturday, March 31, 7:30PM EDISON STATE COLLEGE- LEE CAMPUS The Richard H. Rush Library, Auditorium Fort Myers, FL *


"The Breakfast" wins "Director's Choice Award" at the 31st Black Maria Film Festival 2012

"The Breakfast" wins "Director's Choice Award" at the 31st Black Maria Film Festival 2012. "This minimalist narrative wraps time around itself, as a lone character contemplates his surroundings as he merely prepares his breakfast. Beautifully photographed this rare work transforms a prosaic scene into an arrestingly work the cerebral possibilities of cinema."


"The Breakfast" takes part of the Black Maria Festival Tour 2012

"The Breakfast" takes part of the Black Maria Festival Tour. For the second consecutive year, Pablo Millan's work has been selected for the Black Maria Festival Tour, known for its national public exhibition program from February to June, across the United States at more than 65 institutions, museums,theaters, colleges, libraries... Tour Screenings on February: -Friday, February 3, 7:00 PM NEW JERSEY CITY UNIVERSITY, Margaret Williams Theatre, Jersey City, NJ -Saturday, February 4, 2:00 PM NEWARK MUSEUM, Newark, NJ -Monday, February 6, 7:30PM HOBOKEN HISTORICAL MUSEUM Hoboken, NJ -Sunday, February 12, 2:00 PM AMC 9 CINEMA - W.ORANGE FILM SOCIETY, Essex Green Shopping Center West Orange, NJ -Friday, February 17, 7:30 PM SUSSEX COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE, SCCC Performing Arts Center, Newton, NJ -Tuesday, February 21, 7:30PM HARTFORD ART SCHOOL – UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD Wilde Auditorium, Harry Jack Gray Center West Hartford, CT -Tuesday, February 21, 7:30 PM SUSSEX COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE, The Student Center Theater, Newton, NJ -Wednesday, February 22, 7:30PM HARTFORD ART SCHOOL – UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD Wilde Auditorium, Harry Jack Gray Center West Hartford, CT -Thursday, February 23, 7:00 PM UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS IN PHILADELPHIA, Conelly Lecture Hall, Terra Building Philadelphia, PA -Friday, February 24, 8:00PM MADISON ARTS AND CULTURAL ALLIANCE Madison Public Library Madison, NJ -Saturday, February 25, 4:00PM & 7:30PM GROUNDS FOR SCULPTURE Hamilton, NJ -Saturday, February 25, 4:30PM & 7:30PM MORRISTOWN UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP Morristown, NJ -Tuesday, February 28, 7:30PM ALBRIGHT COLLEGE, Klein Lecture Hall, Center for the Arts Reading, PA -Wednesday, February 29, 22:30PM ALBRIGHT COLLEGE, Klein Lecture Hall, Center for the Arts Reading, PA


"The Breakfast" World Premiere at 31st Black Maria Film Festival, USA

World Premiere at 31st Black Maria Film Festival, USA. The short film "The Breakfast", directed by Pablo Millan and played by Jorge Sieiro has been selected for the 31st Annual Black Maria Film Festival 2012 one of America’s most important festivals of new experimental work in film and video, in a competition especially tough, with a record number of submissions.


"Fatum!" - Black Maria Film + Video Festival

“The word Fatum refers to a boundless force against free will” – Friedrich Nietzche. Tchaikovsky wrote a symphonic poem (Opus 77) and there was a 1915 Dutch silent drama titled Fatum. Also there was a class French film series by Louis Feuillade titled Fantømos as well as later iterations of the original text by writer Marcel Allain and Pierre Souvestre about a master criminal. Elements of Pablo Millan’s short seems to conjure up a bit of the feel and lool of the Feuillade film but it’s technique is extraordinarily original. The protagonist finds himself in media loop, running through newspaper and media coverage of events which prompt his sudden insertion into the print and electronic realm. A most engaging work.


Entrevista en "El Progreso"- 14 abril 2011

El cortometraje Fatum!, del gallego Pablo Millán, ha resultado recientemente premiado con el Director's Choice Award de la trigésima edición del estadounidense Black María Film Festival, una de las muestras cinematográficas más importante a nivel vanguardista y experimental. Otro de sus más recientes galardones es el Special Jury Award al mejor cortometraje en el 44th WorldFest Houston International Film Festival.

Full interview

Interview with Pablo Millan.

20th-April-11 - Galiciaé.

María F. Folgueira - El cortometraje Fatum!, del gallego Pablo Millán, ha resultado recientemente premiado con el Director's Choice Award de la trigésima edición del estadounidense Black María Film Festival, una de las muestras cinematográficas más importante a nivel vanguardista y experimental. La obra, que ya había sido seleccionada en numerosos festivales cinematográficos de renombre desde su estreno, reflexiona sobre la cultura del miedo que nos imponen diariamente los medios de comunicación, combinando crítica social y humor negro. Su director nos ha hablado sobre el corto y su positiva acogida.

P: ¿Que ha supuesto para ti la selección de Fatum! para el Black María Film Festival de USA? (...)

Full Article

The short film 'Fatum!' again succeed in USA

20th-April-11 - A Nosa Terra

Redacción - A curtametraxe 'Fatum!' vén de recibir o premio especial do xurado no Festival de Houston (Texas, EE UU). A fita dirixida por Paulo Millán segue a recoller éxitos e viaxará por varios festivais tanto en Europa coma nos EE UU.

Fatum! recibiu o Premio Especial do Xurado á mellor curtametraxe no 44º WorldFest Houston International Film Festival, celebrado en Texas (EE UU). A curtametraxe, dirixida por Paulo Millán volve lograr un éxito, tras unha afortunada carreira por festivais estadounidenses. Millán xa sabe o que é gañar no Festival de Houston, onde no 2008 obtivo o máximo galardón por Longo sendeiro de pedra (...)

Full Article

Oppression of the individual. (Interview)

13th-March-11 - Galicia Hoxe

Montse Dopico, Madrid- A curta "Fatum!", do galego Pablo Millán, foi seleccionada para cinco festivais de cinema americanos, entre eles o Houston International Film. A curtametraxe Fatum!, dirixida polo galego Pablo Millán, foi seleccionada en cinco citas do circuíto americano de festivais. Entre marzo e abril vai participar na competición oficial do 42 Nashville Film Festival e no 20 Florida Film Festival, no 12 Newport Beach Film Festival en California, no 13 Boston Underground Film Festival e no 44 WorldFest Houston International Film Festival, o festival de cine independente máis antigo do mundo. (...)

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Galician short awarded in USA

31st-January-11 - A Nosa Terra

Redacción - O filme 'Fatum!', dirixido por Paulo Millán, recibiu un premio no Festival Black Maria de Jersey City (EE UU), e percorrerá o país norteamericano nunha exhibición. A curtametraxe Fatum!, dirixida por Paulo Millán, recibiu o premio 'Director's Choice Award' no 30 Festival Black Maria Film + Video, da cidade estadounidense de Jersey City (...)

Fatum! wins award in the prestigious Black Maria Film Festival

31st-January-2011 - AG. Revista do Audiovisual Galego

El cortometraje de Pablo Millán acaba de recibir el Director´s Choice Award en el 30th Black Maria Film Video Festival en Jersey City, EE.UU., uno de los festivales de cine experimental y vanguardista más importantes de America. Como obra galardonada, Fatum! formará parte de la gira de exhibiciones del Black María Film Festival, que dará comienzo en febrero y acabará en junio tras más de 60 proyecciones a lo largo de EE.UU.  ...

«Fatum», Pablo Millán's short film , finalist in fantastic film festival of Lund

3rd-October-10 - La Voz de Galicia

Raquel Quinteiro, 3 Oct (Santiago) - Hoy se sabrá si el jurado sueco premia la cinta. El film ha sido nominado en otros seis certámenes. El autor recibió el máximo galardón en Houston por un trabajo anterior (...)

Fatum, que se proyectó el miércoles pasado en Lund junto a la última película del cineasta francés Luc Besson, desbordó previsiones y abarrotó el aforo del festival dando cuenta de la buena acogida del trabajo de Millán en Suecia...

The Pablo Millan's last short film, in the best international festivals

17th-September-10 - AG. Revista do Audiovisual Galego

Fatum!, cortometraje del director gallego Pablo Millán, competirá en los próximos días en varios certámenes internacionales, como son el Anaheim International Film Festival de California, el 16 Lund International Fantastic Film Festival de Suecia, el 21st Festival of Fantastic Films de Manchester ...

Pablo Millan criticizes the media in the short film "Fatum!"

05th-September-2010 - ABC

Julio Soria Madrid, 5 sep (EFE).- El director gallego Pablo Millán combina humor negro, parodia y crítica social en "Fatum!", un cortometraje que reflexiona sobre "la cultura del miedo que nos imponen los medios de comunicación". (...)

El corto narra la historia de un individuo que sufre "el bombardeo masivo de noticias trágicas y macabras por parte de los mass media. No hay mensajes subyacentes ni moralinas, sólo una invitación a la reflexión", asegura el cineasta.

Realidad y ficción se entrecruzan en "Fatum!", una obra que bebe de diversas fuentes. "Utilizo recursos del cine mudo de Buster Keaton y de programas como 'Dead zone' o 'La dimensión desconocida'", describe Millán.

La experiencia "traslada al espectador a un lenguaje artístico y algo alejado de la realidad...

The short film of galician Pablo Millán, 'Fatum!', will be screened in Sweden and England

06th-September-2010 - El Progreso

Axencias. A curta Fatum! do director galego Pablo Millán, estará presente en dúas citas do panorama do cine europeo no 'Filme and Media Arts Festival' de Berwick, Inglaterra e na competición do 'Fantastik Filme Festival' na cidade de Lund, Suecia...